
JUnit and Non-Daemon Threads

Normally in Java, if the main thread starts one or more non-daemon threads, the Java process will not terminate until the last non-daemon thread terminates.

Yet, I was surprised to find that a particular JUnit test completed normally, despite never calling shutdown() on a ThreadPoolExecutor it had started. No Java process was left behind. This was the case both when running the test from within IntelliJ and also from Maven (using the surefire plugin). Replicating the test code in a vanilla main() method led to the expected behaviour: a “hanging” process.

So what was going on? Surely something fascinating and enlightening, right? Running the JUnit test from my IDE revealed the underlying java invocation in the Console pane (abbreviated):

java -classpath "some-massive-classpath" com.intellij.rt.execution.junit.JUnitStarter -ideVersion5 MyTest,someMultiThreadedTest

So, the main method which launches the JUnit tests is in the class called JUnitStarter, which is an internal class within IntelliJ. A quick look at the code for JUnitStarter reveals the answer is very simple: an explicit call to System.exit() before main() returns. Maven Surefire’s ForkedBooter does the same thing.

As always, some strange behaviour turns out to be something entirely simple! But this is something to watch out for. Ideally, unit tests wouldn’t test multithreaded code (rather, they would test logic which is abstracted from the surrounding threaded environment). But if you must test multi-threaded production code, then be aware that your tests could give a misleading positive result in cases such as this.

Testing on Autopilot

I was reminded of the power of automated testing by this talk by Rod Johnson, the original creator of the Spring framework. It is a little dated (2007), but what he says is still highly relevant.  The content mainly covers things we should already be practicing as developers, but it’s worth a reminder every now and then. Following are the main points I took away from the presentation.

First, there are several key concepts to bear in mind.  These came up again and again in the talk:

  • Test Early, Test Often
  • Test at Multiple Levels
  • Automate Everything

Unit Testing

As developers, we know we should do lots of unit testing.  We do this by targeting classes in isolation, and mocking out collaborators.

To be clear, unit testing is looking at your class “in the lab”, not in the real world.  A unit test should not interact with Spring, or the database, or any infrastructure concerns.  Therefore, unit tests should run extremely fast: of the order of tens of thousands of tests per minute.  It shouldn’t be painful to run a suite of unit tests.

Do Test-Driven Development. Not only does this help you discover APIs organically, but it’s a way of relieving stress.  Once a defect is detected, you can write a failing test for it, then come back to fix it later on.  The failing test is a big red beacon reminding you to finish the job.

Use tools such as Clover to measure the code-coverage of your tests.  80% is a useful rule of thumb.  Any more than this, and the benefits are not worth the cost.  Any less than 70%, and the risk of defects becomes significant.

Integration Testing

We should also do integration testing - for example to ensure our application is wired up correctly, and SQL statements are correct.  

But how many of us are still clicking through flows in a browser?  Ad-hoc testing by deploying to an application server and clicking around is very time-consuming and error-prone.  If it’s not automated, chances are it won’t happen.  If it doesn’t happen or occurs late in the project cycle, defects will be expensive to fix.

So instead, maintain a suite of integration tests.  It should be possible to run hundreds or thousands of these per minute and again, they should be automated so they just happen.

Use Spring’s Integration Testing support.  Among other things, this provides superclasses which can perform each test in a transaction, and roll it back upon completion to avoid side-effects across tests.  This avoids the need to re-seed the database upon each test.

Another benefit of Spring Integration Testing is that the Spring context is cached between tests.  This means that the highly expensive construction of the Hibernate SessionFactory (if you use one) only happens once.  This context caching is usually impossible, because the test class is reconstructed by JUnit upon each test.

Remember to test behaviour in the database.  Stored procedures, triggers, views - regressions at the schema level should be caught early, in an automated fashion.

Integration tests should be deterministic - that is, they should not rely on the time of day, or random side-effects from previous tests.  This should be obvious, but when testing concerns such as scheduling, this can become difficult.  One strategy is to abstract out the concept of the current time of day.  This could be done by replacing a literal call to System.getCurrentTime() with a call to a private method.  This method would check for an override property set only during testing, the existence of which would cause a static Date to be returned to your application code.

Performance Testing

This should begin as early as possible.  Use scriptable frameworks such as The Grinder, so performance testing is cheap to execute early and often.  This means performance regressions will be caught immediately, for example if somebody drops an index.

Many performance problems are due to lack of understanding of ORM frameworks.  Learn to use your framework, for example relating to fetch strategies.  A common idiom is to eagerly fetch a collection of child entities up-front, rather than invoking the “N+1 Selects” problem by lazily loading each child record in a loop.  Additionally, consider evicting objects from the Session at appropriate points, to avoid memory overhead and to prevent the need for dirty-checking upon flushing of the Session.

One strategy to dive deeply into database performance concerns, is to enable SQL logging in your persistence framework.  A large number of SELECT statements per-use case will quickly become apparent.


Developers should Invest time into writing automated tests at multiple levels.  Even with a dedicated QA team in place, defects will only be caught early and fixed cheaply through an intelligent approach to automation. Along with adoption of best practices such as Dependency Injection and separation of concerns, the industry has many tools on offer to make comprehensive testing cheap and easy.

References / Further Reading

Runtime Dependency Analysis

I was wondering: if I change class Foo, how do I determine 100% which use-cases to include in my regression tests? It would be useful to know with 100% certainty that I must consider the Acme login process, as well as the WidgetCo webservice authentication. And nothing else. Can my IDE help me with this? Well, in some cases it’s straightforward to analyse for backward dependencies. If I change class Foo, then static analysis tells me that webservice WSFoo, and controller Bar are the only upstream entry points to your application affected by this change.

Getting Started with Drools Expert

I’m trialling expert systems, in order to abstract away some tricky internationalization logic in an IVR application. Drools Expert might be what I need and will hopefully save time, compared with devil-in-the-details DSLs. The idea of a Rules Engine is that business rules are abstracted out of your application. Business rules are likely to change, so ideally they should not be in the source tree. Additionally, rules may be consulted or modified by business users, so ideally would be free from syntactic mess, and should be self-documenting.

Cloudscape Java Challenge

IBM are promoting their Cloudscape relational database with a Java Challenge … download the product and the tables and find the hidden word using your coding skills! It seems only US/Canadian citizens can enter, no good for me but I’ll have a go at it anyway. Deadline is January 31st so better get going …

Solving TV Game Shows with Java

OK so it’s a rather grandiose title, but this site describes one of those brainteasers that is tricky to get your head around logically, but pretty simple empirically. Here is a ‘quick and dirty’ program I wrote to demonstrate that indeed, your chances are doubled if you change from your first choice! Output: Without swapping doors: After 1000000 runs, the prize was won 333686 times. With swapping doors: After 1000000 runs, the prize was won 666606 times.

Now on Struts

Well I’ve spent the last couple of days learning Struts, and I found the best way to solidify my understanding: re-write this site using it! So we’re up and running again, with an even better MVC framework. What are my thoughts so far on Struts? Pros It’s much more pleasing to have page-flows that are all connected somehow, to be tied up into an action. I also like the idea that I can re-use actions.

J2EE vs. MS .NET

The results of a very interesting study are out, where The Middleware Company compared these two Enterprise-class technologies by unleashing developers of each platform, working head-to-head to fulfil a (complex) specification. Link here. The (enormous) caveats are that: 1. The J2EE product used was IBM Websphere, not always the most-loved app server. 2. The study was sponsored by Microsoft! Now this study is interesting because these two technologies are aiming to solve the same problems, namely how to develop, deploy and maintain organisation-wide systems that are scalable and maintainable.